Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I've been away from the computer from allot of things in my life lately.
I've been on bed rest and I've been to the doctors multiple times a week for the past couple of months. thats really been my life thus far. I'm just trying to stay healthy. Its really getting down to the wire now... the doctor will let me know (hopefully) tommorrow when he will induce me.
Ahh man I just can't wait to meet our girl and I can't wait to have this stress of bed rest and worry about her health and mine to be over. I know I will find new ways to be worried, (I'm very good at that lol) but at least it won't be majorly for her health and well being. I really hope though that I don't have a long recovery because of the preeclampsia but I fear I will, just simply because they will probably put me on meds for my kidneys and liver, but hey I really can't know anything for sure.

I do know one thing for sure though and that's how much I love my Savior and how much closer I've grown to him in the past little while... I know its kind of random but I just sort of wanted to bear my testimony even if its not much. more than anything else in my life the savior has helped me to feel peace when nothing else could have. I do know that he his aware of me and my little family & our needs and he has sent people into our lives to help bless us when we needed it the most. He has done it time and time again. I have felt of his love and his love for my child and I just want to say that in my life I've never been so scared and so stressed out but I've never felt so much peace when I pray and try to have the spirit with me. I know he wants us to come unto him and when we do he blesses us and comforts us. He is just eagerly awaiting us to call on him. The lord lives and loves us and even when things don't go the way that we plan and hope for. He is always there to go though it all with us and help us to grow and understand why we are going though whatever it is that we are going though. He is my best friend he is everything in my life, I am so grateful for him every second.
I know that I couldn't have made it thus far in my life without him.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

fun times

I am now a three day a week-er at my doctors office.
Lol I must come in at least two - three times a week for blood pressure checks ( & most likely getting my blood drawn too afterward.)
Not to mention the once a week actual "doctors appointment" where I get to be examined.
But he checks up on me every time anyway, I almost never go without seeing the doctor.
I must say though that I'm glad I chose the doctor I did, he's very kind and concerned and I feel like he knows who I am and is glad I'm there so he can help me.
I have allot of confidence in what he says which I can't say about most doctors I've been to throughout my life.
So there's the update for you...
I am actually waiting as we speak, for a phone call telling me whether or not I need to go (once again) to the hospital lab and get some more tests done.
I have a feeling I'll be doing the same tests over and over again until the very end. I really do have all the fun. lol